District » District Staff

District Staff

District Office

Mailing Address/Physical Address

805 Washington Street
Bennett, CO 80102
303-328-2168 (F)


Superintendent of Schools:
Mrs. Robin Purdy 


Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent/Secretary to the Board/Human Resources

Ms. Ramie Dillingham,  X8202
Email: [email protected]

Chief Academic Officer, Federal Programs Director, and Preschool Director
Mrs. Britt Travis, x7507
District Registrar
Ms. Sarah Prado,  X7216
Fax: 303-328-2168


Mr. Sam Cavender

Email: [email protected]



Director of Finance and Purchasing

Mrs. Karla Stratton X8204

Email: [email protected]


Fiscal Services Specialist

Mrs. Tina Starman

Email: [email protected]


Business Manager

Ms. Stacey Moler

Email: [email protected]


Technology Director

Jeff Bain

Email: [email protected]


Angel Aquino

Email: [email protected]


Ashton Brunette

Email: [email protected]


Transportation Director

Mr Nick Ophaug X8206

Email: [email protected] 


Food Services Director

Mrs. Amy Kirkwood X1213
Email: [email protected]