District Accountability Committee
2024-2025 District Accountability Representatives:
Vice Chair:
Middle School Representative:
High School Representative:
Preschool and Primary Elementary Representative: Deanne Cronk
Intermediate Elementary Representative: Michelle Davis
District Staff Representative: Amy Kirkwood
Community Member: Nancy Barden
Board Member: Alyssa Pae
Parent Members:
Superintendent: Robin Purdy
Chief Academic Officer: Britt Travis
District 2024-2025 Accountability Meetings will begin at 6:00 pm and are held over Zoom at the following link:
Join Zoom Meeting https://ecboces.zoom.us/j/91340798524 Meeting ID: 913 4079 8524 or call in: 719-359-4580 US
Anyone is welcome to attend but only DAC Committee Members can vote.
October 8th
November 13th (THIS MEETING IS MOVED TO JANUARY- Date coming soon!)
February 11th
April 8th
There are no DAC meetings in the months of September, December, January, and March unless it is determined that there is a need for one.
For more information on District Accountability, please follow the link below to the CDE District Accountability Handbook.