District Accountability Committee
2024-2025 District Accountability Representatives:
Vice Chair:
Middle School Representative:
High School Representative:
Preschool and Primary Elementary Representative: Deanne Cronk
Intermediate Elementary Representative: Michelle Davis
District Staff Representative: Amy Kirkwood
Community Member: Nancy Barden
Board Member: Alyssa Pae
Parent Members:
Superintendent: Robin Purdy
Chief Academic Officer: Britt Travis
District 2024-2025 Accountability Meetings will begin at 6:00 pm and are held over Zoom at the following link: Join Zoom Meeting https://ecboces.zoom.us/j/93221913517 Meeting ID: 932 2191 3517 One tap mobile +1719-359-4580 or 932-219-13517# US
Anyone is welcome to attend but only DAC Committee Members can vote.
October 8th, February 11th, and April 8th.
There are no DAC meetings in the months of September, December, January, and March unless it is determined that there is a need for one.
For more information on District Accountability, please follow the link below to the CDE District Accountability Handbook.